Shortlisted Artists for The IV Edition of the Royal Arts Prize 2017
It is our pleasure to present all the Artists Shortlisted for The IV Edition of the Royal Arts Prize 2017.
The selected artists are both international and multicultural.
Four works have been chosen from each artist to give a wider and deeper insight into each of the artist’s particular way of expression.
More than 100 artworks will be on display in the Exhibition at La Galleria Pall Mall Gallery, giving the luxury of choice to art buyers and critics and also to the visiting public to enjoy, buy and judge.
Visitors to the Exhibition will have the opportunity to choose the artwork they retain most deserving of the “Visitor’s Choice RAP 2017 Prize".
The Winner will be chosen by a panel of Art Professionals and Artists.
The shortlisted artists for The IV Edition of the Royal Arts Prize 2017 are:
Bridget Macklin, Carol Rowling, Chris Gornall
DIVE, Dominic Beyeler, Emmanuelle Velay
Gillian Hyland, Hatty Butler, Kokil Sharma
Komal Madar, Lydia Panart, Mark B. Timmins
Dr. Martín Raskovsky, Michel Platteau, Michelle Key
Minty Sainsbury, Nina Baxter, Oksana Levchenya
Radan Cicen, Salvatore Battaglia, Sarah Stafford
Serpil Mavi Üstün, Tatyana Abramova, Tomas Rowell
Yassine Mourit